Friday, September 21, 2012

Fall of 2012

So today is the first day of Fall in the year 2012.  Where shall I begin??

My Daddy passed away in January.  That was ten days after his Aunt Bille had passed away.  My older brother, Tripper, took off to travel.  I love hearing what new places he is visiting but I miss his sarcastic cynical butt!!  Then my grandparents took off to move in with a wealthy lady 8 hours away.  Long story short, they were taken advantage of at a weak time in their life.  Having just lost their only child and my Nana losing her only sister.  That is water under the bridge now though because they have moved into my trailer since I moved into my Daddy's house.  And I'd like to be perfectly clear about something:  I would give up living in his house and live in a cardboard box on the side of the road in a heartbeat, just to have him back.  Although, I am glad that he is no longer suffering.

My first year of completely homeschooling.  We have completed 9 days thus far...  Compared to another homeschooling blog who has already had 50 days, that sounds bad, but it's my first year head on and I think I have plenty of logical excuses.  What with my grandparents moving back and then hurricane Isaac hit and now we are recovering from the flu.  To top it off, my husband works offshore so give me a break!!  OK!!  LOL!!

My "Boutique" turned out to be too much work for a buck.  Literally, I was making stuff and selling it for basically material costs so I wasn't making a profit.  I'm still thinking of making tutorial videos of the things that I make and posting it to my page.  On the other hand, my "Photography" is blooming but I'm not sure if I want it to become a career.  I love it too much.  It's beautiful and fun to me.  I don't want to make it "work".

I can't keep up with life.  It has overtaken me.  I hope to find some stability soon.  Somewhere in all this chaos, I need to have another "War Week".  Ah I love Allison LaMarr!!!  Though I haven't read any of her stuff in probably a year or better, she still influences me.  She has made a permanent impression upon me.

I'm beginning to think that maybe this is just me and my life.  This is the way it will always be.  Dysfunctional and so out of whack.  Hmmm...  Maybe and maybe not.  I just have to wait and see what God has in store for me.

This was Fall 2011

Yea so it's been a couple months since my last post. Been crazy busy and a little depressed. Naomi in dance. Elijah in soccer. My Dad having such a bad infection in his foot that the pain from it gave him a heart attack. My husband got suspended from work about a month ago. Along with trying to keep up with church events, family get togethers, and hanging out with friends.

Life is such a roller coaster ride! Just trying to keep my sanity and stay out of depression is enough of a task!!! There of course are other things that I am not going to tell about... The pain and sorrows that come from living and loving...

These were my Goals in 2011

Ah! Ok! Where do I see myself exactly one year from today?!? In all 8 lanes of my life!!! Well let's see...

8 Life Lanes...

Spiritual Life
Family Life
Professional Life
Personal Development
Physical Health
Financial Health
Social Life
Community Involvement

First off my Spiritual Life has taken the backseat in my life for the past couple of years. So I want to grow in this area! I'm hoping to at least get back to where I was before. Maybe I will be able to salvage the damage that's been done.

My Family Life... This area has never been as strong as it is now! But there is always room for growth!

My Professional Life... This area is hard for me! I need to work on many things in this area! My fears of success, failure, and rejection continue to paralyze me!

Personal Development... Where do I want to be in one year from now? I want to have a schedule! A routine! I want to be able to keep up with life and maybe be one step ahead!

My Physical Health... Aha! I want to be eating healthy! Feeding my children healthy! Exercising regularly! And to have shed 50 pounds!!!

My Financial Health... Well... I would really like to have the Dave Ramsey Plan back in my life! Have my last credit card paid off! Have an emergency fund! And start saving for things!!!

My Social Life is starting to pick back up after being demolished! I don't want to go back to my youths social life! I would prefer a more sober setting! Maybe have some friends to eat lunch with... Idk...

Community Involvement... I actually feel a little excited just thinking about becoming involved in something in the community! Maybe I can find a couple things that won't get in the way of my time with church! That would be wonderful!!!

Of coarse these are not in great detail but it is a start! Now I shall begin my planning process! Make my 168-piece puzzle schedule! Then focus time on each lane of life individually with more concentration and time!!! Lord help!!! God Bless!!!

And here are links to my wonderful mentor, Allison LaMarr:::

The 90-Day Action Transformation!!!