Thursday, April 21, 2011

90-Day-Transformation with Allison LaMarr (Part 1)

I know I sound a little obsessed with Allison LaMarr but she is one of my role models. She went from nothing to rich. I am trying to do her 90-day transformation thing. Although I am behind since they started week 3 on Monday and I haven't completed week one. LOL. Week One is "Goal Setting". So I am gonna do my work for Week One right now.

1) What am I most excited about/looking forward to in this experience?
•The skills that I will learn
2) What is the professional accomplishment that I am most proud of today?
•With the help of friends and family, I sold over $600 worth of product at one party.
3) How do I personally define success?
•Not neccessarily rich but financially free. No more worrying about whether I have
enough money for bills. Success means many things to me. At the top of the list would
have to be my children becoming productive mature and mentally capable adults.
Another thing that I consider success is following through on any and every
responsibility given to me.
4) Are there any skills I want/need to improve upon to create my definition of professional success?
•YES! My lack of self-discipline and accountability and confidence and courage.
I want to be able to go through life and do what I need to do without worrying about
what other people think of my actions.
5) Is there anything holding me back or slowing me down currently?
•YES! I need money to make money! Ain't it tha truth?!?! Plus I do have a
breastfeeding newborn and she does not like bottles. To top it all off I do not have
a set schedule for anything right now which makes things difficult. I'm kinda just
bouncing around from appointment to appointment.
6) Do I have a professional goal, big or small?
•Why certainly I do!! Me and two friends of mine, Yan & Duh, made a plan to start our
own clothing line back in 1998. To get there I need to first learn how to use a
sowing machine and to do that i would need a sowing machine HaHa! I have a couple of
other goals as well like having my own shop and if photography is really something
that I progress in then I would love to have my own photography studio! Aren't goals
Just dreams that have been written down on a piece of paper? So I have lots of goals!
7) What is the absolute next step to my next goal?
•I would have to go with saving up some money to buy a sowing machine and a Photoshop
program for my computer. To do that I either need to get a J O B or seriously start
selling some stuff. Whether it's "Mary Kay" products or the things that I make.

Whoa ok that was questions 1-7 out of 13. I think I will finish questions 8-13 in my next post. So... To Be Continued...

And also here is the link to check out my role model, Allison LaMarr. Definitely check out her "Digging Deeper" articles!

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